How Families with Children Can Help Ballard Food Bank's Mission
Are you looking for some meaningful ways to give back this holiday season with your kids? We are able to serve thousands of our neighbors each month because of our caring community.
Here are a few ideas for ways to involve kids in our mission of bringing food and hope to our neighbors:
On your next trip to the grocery store, as you shop for some nutritious items your child likes, add some extra to your cart and explain that you are donating them to the food bank.
As you talk to your child about dental hygiene, say: let’s make sure everyone has a toothbrush and toothpaste they like. Let’s buy some extra and donate them, because people get both food and personal care items like toothbrushes at the food bank.
Bake some cookies or treats and then host a bake sale! Donate funds raised. Or for older kids who like to gift wrap, offer that as a service and donate their fee. Explain that donations of funds help the food bank purchase food in bulk.
Photo by Alabastro Photography of the cat food shelves, which were empty on a recent day.
Want to rally your neighborhood and show your child the power of community-building? Have them draw or design a flyer to distribute to people on the block. Share a list of most-needed items and let your neighbors know you’ll be picking them up at a designated time and bringing their donations to the food bank.
Pet lovers will have fun dividing larger quantities of pet food into smaller amounts and then donating them to the food bank. Instructions here! You can explain how much everyone loves their pets and wants to make sure they have the food they need.
Teens may be interested in volunteering regularly at the food bank. Those 16+ are welcome to fill out our Volunteer Interest Form and check out the info about volunteering on our website. Kids age 14-15 are welcome to volunteer with an adult.
Please note that the holidays are a busy time for the food bank, and we don’t offer one-time volunteer opportunities, so this option will be better for those looking to incorporate volunteering on an ongoing basis in the new year.