No-Cook Bags & Groceries
We offer no-cook bags and groceries to our neighbors who don’t have access to kitchens. The bags contain ready-to-eat items like canned chili, soup, and tuna, granola bars, fruit cups and beverages. No-cook bags are available at the front desk for those who aren’t shopping that day.
Shoppers can select from a variety of ready-to-eat options. Photo credit: Alabastro Photography
We also have a no-cook counter in the grocery store with additional options including sandwiches, salads, and frozen foods. To shop at the no-cook counter, please collect your number from the front desk and wait for it to be called. You can then head over to the no-cook counter inside our grocery store and get your bag. No-cook items are subject to availability.
Please note: Proof of address is not required.