Home Delivery
Home delivery bags include fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairy, and other non-perishable items that are available at the Food Bank. To the best of our ability, we work with our clients to accommodate their dietary needs and preferences.
We offer Home Delivery to clients in our service area who meet at least one of our eligibility requirements, which are:
Being an elderly community member
Having a medical condition or physical disability
Childcare constraints
And/or a COVID-related concern that prevents them from shopping at the food bank
Interested in receiving groceries through home delivery?
Our Home Delivery Program is currently at maximum capacity. Due to high demand for this service, our waitlist has also reached its capacity. Therefore, our waitlist is now closed. For those currently on the waitlist, we still do not have a definitive timeline for when you will be added to services. Please review the alternatives below to receive other access to food services.
Shopping in-person at our market located at 1400 NW Leary Way in Ballard
To find more information about when you can shop, click here. Nearby public transit includes Rapid Ride line D and King County Metro lines 17 and 40.
Having someone shop for you at our market
To arrange this, please email Client Relations Specialist, Maddy Gremaud at maddyg@ballardfoodbank.org.
Sign up for EBT/SNAP benefits
If you have any questions or comments about our Home Delivery service, please contact Food Access Manager, Ysabel Diaz at ysabeld@ballardfoodbank.org or 253-372-2554.
Home Delivery Service Area:
Zip codes 98103, 98107, 98109, 98117, 98177, 98119, 98199, and 98133 (Seattle addresses only).
Not in our delivery area?
If you are not in our service area, please call the Community Information Line (2-1-1) and they will help you find a program in your area.
Home Delivery Service Area Map